About Me

My name is Mari and I’m an Edinburgh based artist.

My landscape work encompasses lots of different subject matter with a focus on light and weather. I usually sit outside to draw, and I try to express the mood and feel of a place.

I draw as a means of observing my surroundings without distraction. The process of recording through drawing allows me to notice details that are often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of modern life. Using colour and line, I want to share moments of beauty I spot by recording representing them in drawings.

For my last major project, Source to Sea, I followed the river Rhone 625 miles on my bicycle from its source to the sea, and documented its journey in drawings as I went along. I then went on to develop the drawings into a textile collection.

Growing up in the beautiful surroundings of the Brecon Beacons sparked a life long love of landscapes. I then went on to study at Edinburgh College of Art, and graduated in 2014.

By day, I run Picture to Puppet, my small creative enterprise that makes custom puppets and toys to order. We also started an offshoot company, Leith Toy Hospital, which repairs broken toys and dolls. My evenings, weekends and holidays are usually spent sitting outside painting.